The Jerome Historical Society Mine Museum opened on June 20, 1953, in large part due to the gift of these six large paintings created by William D. White. The paintings represent a second commission around 1930 by Louis Shattuck Cates, the new president of the Phelps Dodge Corporation. It seems unlikely that White returned to Arizona, but instead executed these paintings based upon his previous sketches.

According to one account, the paintings were eventually given to the American Legion Post in Jerome to hang in their hall until the building was eventually condemned. Then some of the paintings were hung in the Phelps Dodge Club House and the rest were packed and stored. At some point, James Brewer, Director of the Tuzigoot National Monument in nearby Clarkdale, fell in love with Jerome. While digging into the town’s past history, he uncovered the paintings by William D. White. He began plans for a Mine Museum in Jerome, built around the paintings.

For more information on the Jerome Historical Socitey Mine Museum, visit

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